"Plan your success today"
The Primary School No. 4 of Pope John Paul II in Łęczna
1. The project is implemented in the Primary School No.4 Pope John Paul II in Łęczna as a part of Erasmus + program: Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices. Strategic partnership of schools.
2. Duration of the project: 1 October 2017 - 31 March 2019.
3. The aim of the project is to equip students with the skills necessary for active and effective coping in the modern labor market.
4. The project provides for the exchange of students from three partner countries of Latvia, Croatia and Polish. Trips are considered as an expression of appreciation for students who are distinguished by their commitment to the project.
5. The communication language between the project partners is English.
1. The project is aimed at pupils of grades VI and VII of the primary school and students of the junior high school. Especially:
- students whose families are in a difficult financial situation,
- students with family problems (eg alcohol problem, domestic violence, incomplete family)
- students with special educational needs,
- students from immigrant backgrounds (if they are attending school).
2. Participation in the project is voluntary.
3. The project team will consist of 15 students. The members of the team can change during the project.
4. The members of the project team will participate in numerous project's activities such as:
- assistance in the organization of the Erasmus + school events,
- competitions,
- taking part in video conferences,
- many more activities related to the realization of the project's targets.
5. Student who will be qualified to take part in the project team is obliged to provide the project's coordinator with:
- parental consent for participation in the project
- parental consent to processing of the student's personal data.
6. Students will participate in the project's activities independently and under supervision of the teacher in their free time.
7. The final decision to qualify the student to the project team is made by the recruitment committee composed of: project coordinator, school psychologist and foreign language teacher.
1. The selection of students who will be made by the recruitment committee composed of project coordinator, school psychologist and foreign language teacher.
2. Students who want to take part in the mobilities should gain as much points as possible. The points will be given for:
a) participation in the project's activities at the school (action 1 - 1 point),
b) hosting students from the partner countries (if needed) (each time - 1 point),
c) getting school marks in English - minimum D:
- D - (O points),
- C - (2 points),
- B - (4 points),
- A - (6 points),
d) student's behaviour - minimum good:
- good conduct - (1 point),
- very good conduct - (2 points),
- exemplary conduct - (3 points).
3. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of students who can take part in the mobility, a reserve group will be created.
4. Inability to select the participants for mobility according to the above criteria will result in a draw.
5. In case of resignation of a student qualified for the mobility, a student from the reserve list will be invited to take part in the trip.
6. In case of resignation of a student qualified for the mobility without a valid reason (illness or sudden, difficult family situation) the costs resulting from the resignation (change the name on the ticket, cancellations, buying a new insurance, etc.) shall be covered by parents or legal guardians of the student.
7. The results of recruitment will be announce to the qualified student individually.
8. To participate in the mobility a student is obliged, within the period specified by the coordinator, to provide a set of documents such as:
- parental consent,
- information card,
- contact details (telephone number and e-mail of the student and his/her parents or legal guardians) etc.,
- a written confirmation of familiarizing with the regulations for the participants of Erasmus+ project,
- in addition, the student must have an insurance EKUZ card, ID card or passport.
9. Any issues not included in the regulations will be solved by the recruitment committee.
10. The coordinator of the project and the members of project mamgement team are not responsible for changes resulting from external reasons or other independent of them causes.
1. Each participant of the mobilities must remember that he/she represents the Primary School No. 4 of Pope John Paul II in Łęczna and should behave properly.
2. During the mobilities, the participants are expected to follow the Code of Student Conduct and the rules of school trips.
3. Proper preparation for the mobilities refers to each student who takes part in them. Participants should have a complete set of documents. They also have to wear appropriate clothes.
4. The participants of the mobilities are obliged to follow strictly the instructions of the project coordinator and carers.
5. Each participant undergo the following prohibitions:
- the prohibition of leaving the group without permission,
- the prohibition of using any form of stimulant (also applies to energy drinks).
6. The students have to accept and follow the mobility's program and its time schedule.
7. The students must obey the health and safety regulations as well as the fire and traffic regulations, ect.
8. Each student's duty, during the mobilities, is:
- well behaving,
- taking care of the good name of his/her school and country.
Moreover, students do not violate the dignity of other mobilities' participants representing their different culture, religion or believes.
9. In case of breaking any of the rules mentioned above the student will be excluded from further participation in the project. What is more, his/her behaviour mark will be reduced. The participant can be also punished according to the school statute rules.
10. Parents / legal guardians will cover all the cost of damages made by students in the place of their accommodation.
1. Regulations enter into force on the date of enactment.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to change the rules of recruitment and participation in the project at any time of its implementation.
3. Any amendment of these Regulations shall be in writing.
4. In cases of dispute a final decision will be taken by a committee composed of a school's management representative, the coordinator and the project teachers' team.